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Featured Shed – Week Of September 24, 2012

Featured Shed of the Week – Week of September 24, 2012

Steve came to us looking for a practical solution for storage of bikes and lawn equipment in Calgary’s South East neighbourhood of Auburn Bay.

He wanted something that would blend in with his house and not stand out too much. He wanted to make sure it added to his house’s curb appeal and was aesthetically pleasing. We showed Steve our 5′ x 8′ Lean To plan and he loved it. Because it was positioned facing the street Steve choose to not have a plexiglass window installed in the 32″ door. Leaving a simple and streamlined look.

Steve’s shed was sided with our Deluxe series product line. We were able to identically match the sheds paint colour and trim to the house almost making it blend in. To finish the look off Steve got the Skirting Package installed.

Steve was ecstatic that such a simple design added character and a much needed storage solution to his home. Now he can fully enjoy and take pride in his front yard.

Call us today – 1- 877 – 99 SHED 9

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