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Featured Shed – Week Of September 17, 2012

Featured Shed of the Week – Week of September 17, 2012

Rob asked us to create him a garden shed at his home located in the North West part of Calgary, that would be useful for all his garden tools and storage for his lawn furniture during the winter months. He requested that it would be easily accessable, yet not take up space from his back yard.

We suggested placing it between the wall of his house and his fence. After quick measurements and a space saving Lean To plan we were able to design a 4’x 8′ shed for Rob. Because Robs shed was going to be placed between the house and fence we only installed a 32′ door on the front of the shed.     Robs shed was sided with our Deluxe Series of siding and painted to match their home with an interesting  trim colour in a burnt orange. Just to add a tiny flare to his new addition. What a functional addition to the property. 

Rob and his wife now can truly enjoy their ample space in their backyard which is now clutter free.

Call us today – 1- 877 – 99 SHED 9

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