Featured Shed of the Week – Week of October 15, 2012
Robert came to the Shed Solutions Showroom wanting to find a Lean To model that would be best suited for his home in the Southeast community of Silverado. He was specific as to where he would like it positioned and we were able to design the shed to his request. He wanted a spacious shed that would allow lots of room for storage and an organized system for all his belongings that needed to be put away.
Once we took a look at the area where Robert wanted to place the shed we realized we would have to customize a few options. For Roberts 8′ x 12′ Lean To model we customized the door position to accommodate the placement of the shed along side his house. The door was still a standard 32′ single door but we moved in off centered so it would be able to open easily without hassle. He only asked to have one window package installed along the side.
We built 2″x 6″ roof trusses to strengthen the roof, while making the space feel nice and open. With an added Skirting Package we were able to complete Roberts dream shed. Robert’s shed was sided with our Deluxe Series of siding. With a positive finish, this was a great addition to Roberts home.
Call us today – 1- 877 – 99 SHED 9