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Featured Shed – Week Of August 20, 2012

Featured Shed of the Week – Week of August 20, 2012

Sean and his family were looking for a unique shed.  They wanted an 8′ x 12′ model with some specific modifications.  They wanted the doors to be moved to one of the 8′ walls instead of their normal position centred on the 12′ wall.  We then adjusted the positioning of the windows on the 12′ wall to evenly space them out.

The major change that Sean wanted was an extension of the roof to provide a 6′ x 8′ enclosure on his patio.  This created two roof lines as the remaining 4′ did not have the extension.  The shed was equipped with an electrical package including 2 interior lights, 2 interior plugs, one exterior light, and two pot lights housed in the soffit extension.

This beautiful garden shed was a great addition to Sean’s yard.

Come see one of Shed Solutions sales centres to have a custom shed like Sean’s designed for you.

Call us today – 1- 877 – 99 SHED 9

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